rearview mirror

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

July 31, 20243 min read

When we look back on the last 18 months, we can’t help but smile. 

We’re extremely grateful for what God has done so far through our ministry. We’re celebrating the resources God has empowered us to create, such as Pastor Shawn’s “Abide Factor” book and our brand new Proven Results student workbook

We’ve seen these tools have a tremendous impact. For example, this is what Jordyn Long had to say on Amazon, “This book takes the deepness of God’s Word and turns it into heart-to-heart chats you'd have with your closest friend. It doesn’t matter if (you’re) a Bible prodigy or just new in your faith - Shawn makes this book so easy to digest.”

We’re also incredibly excited about what’s happening in our one-on-one mentorship program. In this program, individuals are empowered to pursue a deeper relationship with God through spiritual guidance and intentional support and encouragement. We are passionate about meeting each person where they are in their walk with Jesus and leading them to a deeper faith that produces tangible results in their everyday life. If you would like to learn more about this program, you can schedule a free discovery call to receive more information and ask any questions you may have.

Although we are inspired by what has already happened so far, we are also anticipating an even greater future. We believe God is working to plant seeds that will one day produce a harvest greater than anything we’ve already imagined or planned for. This isn’t because we see ourselves as anything extraordinary, but because we serve an extraordinary God who cares deeply for His people and wants to build a relationship with each of us.

We’re mindful of these things today for two reasons. First of all, it’s easy to become so focused on what hasn’t happened yet that you fail to celebrate the wins and milestones you’ve already experienced. We can become so future-oriented that we fail to fully acknowledge or appreciate the present. While we all want to continue growing and improving, we also don’t want to ignore the good things God has already done.

Secondly, we need to let you know that this blog will be pausing for the next few months. Make no mistake, we expect this to be a temporary - and not a permanent - break. We look forward to the day when we’re able to return to weekly programming (and we certainly have big plans for the future).

While we won’t have regular content here for the next several weeks, we encourage you to continue to use this time proactively for your growth and development. If you haven’t yet read Pastor Shawn’s “Abide Factor” book or the Proven Results student workbook, we definitely encourage you to pick up your copies. Additionally, don’t forget to spend your own time in God’s word and prayer. While reading about Scripture can certainly be beneficial, there’s no substitute for opening the Bible for yourself and allowing God to speak directly to you.

We will be praying for you over these next several weeks, and we hope that God continues to draw near to you as you draw near to Him. We look forward to being back here soon!

looking backlooking aheadcelebration
Shawn Lyons was called to ministry 48 years ago as a 12-year-old boy. He serves at the Harvest Church in Derry, PA, where his ministry has reached over 90 countries and 48 of the 50 US states. He is passionate about preaching and teaching the word of God and serving in the church alongside Susan. Together, they have three children and two grandson. When he’s not serving in the church or spending time with his family, he enjoys golfing.

Shawn Lyons

Shawn Lyons was called to ministry 48 years ago as a 12-year-old boy. He serves at the Harvest Church in Derry, PA, where his ministry has reached over 90 countries and 48 of the 50 US states. He is passionate about preaching and teaching the word of God and serving in the church alongside Susan. Together, they have three children and two grandson. When he’s not serving in the church or spending time with his family, he enjoys golfing.

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