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Living on Borrowed Things

July 24, 20243 min read

What if I told you you don’t own any of your own possessions?

You might push back. You may mention the equity you have in your house, the car you recently paid off, your custom-fit set of golf clubs, or the cool table saw you have in your garage.

Legally, those things might be listed in your name. However, as followers of Jesus, we can’t truly claim ownership of those things or anything else. Even the money in our bank account actually belongs to a different owner. 

This may be uncomfortable to consider, but it’s a key concept to remember. It’s a principle we discuss at length in our new workbook (check it out on Amazon if you haven’t already). 

We devote an entire section to the idea of honoring God with our resources. This includes our decision to sacrificially give financially, but it goes beyond how we spend our money and extends to how we share everything we own. Specifically, we stress the point that everything we have is a gift from God, and if we’re too attached, to our possessions it can be detrimental to our faith.

You’re familiar with this concept, especially if you’ve read Jesus’ teachings on money in the Sermon on the Mount (we love our friend and Proven Results team member David Grimm’s blog post on this subject). 

Jesus knows that we can become tempted to rely more on our own possessions (and our ability to provide for ourselves) than on God’s provision and supply. The truth is that we control far less than we think, and we must make the intentional decision to rely on God more than our stuff (and ourselves).

This choice can have a transformative impact. Here’s a brief excerpt from the workbook that speaks to this point:

“Something changes inside us when we make the intentional decision to honor God with our resources. For starters, we’re reminded of the fact that everything we have is a gift from God. In addition, by choosing to be generous and sacrificial with what God has blessed us with, we decrease our attachment to things less important than God and increase our reliance on God’s ability to provide for us."

May we become the type of people who are more attached to God than to the things God provides to us. May we remember that everything good and perfect comes from God (James 1:17) and that everything in the world belongs to Him (Psalm 24:1). As we do this, we’ll experience the incredible peace that comes from knowing God is in control and he provides abundantly for us as His children.

We are so excited that our new workbook is now available for purchase! Grab your copy today, and make sure you get a copy of the full "Abide Factor" book to read as well. 

We also encourage you to consider connecting with one of our trained mentors if you're interested in a more individualized and tailored approach to spiritual growth, you can schedule a free discovery call to learn more about this program.

Shawn Lyons was called to ministry 48 years ago as a 12-year-old boy. He serves at the Harvest Church in Derry, PA, where his ministry has reached over 90 countries and 48 of the 50 US states. He is passionate about preaching and teaching the word of God and serving in the church alongside Susan. Together, they have three children and two grandson. When he’s not serving in the church or spending time with his family, he enjoys golfing.

Shawn Lyons

Shawn Lyons was called to ministry 48 years ago as a 12-year-old boy. He serves at the Harvest Church in Derry, PA, where his ministry has reached over 90 countries and 48 of the 50 US states. He is passionate about preaching and teaching the word of God and serving in the church alongside Susan. Together, they have three children and two grandson. When he’s not serving in the church or spending time with his family, he enjoys golfing.

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