Why do weird things stand out?
Initially, the answer may seem intuitive. While normal, mundane, and everyday things blend into the background, weird things defy our expectations and prove that things can be different. Whether they should be different or not may remain a question, but weird things are proof that not everything must look, sound, or feel the same.
More importantly, weird things challenge our preconceived notions and our existing patterns of thinking. When we see something that is different from what we expect or anticipate, a previously held belief is put into question. Beforehand, we thought things must be a certain way or fit a precise mold, but when we see something that points evidence to the contrary, we’re forced to go back to the drawing board and reconsider what we originally thought.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been digging deep into the teachings of Paul in 2 Corinthians 6 and considering what we can learn about being Agents of Light from these words. As we near the conclusion of this study, I’m drawn to Verse 17, where Paul references Isaiah 52 and Ezekiel 20 and challenges us to think about how we can live in a way that others may perceive as different or, dare I say, “weird”:
“Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” - 2 Corinthians 6:17, NKJV
The importance of living separately from the world is illustrated, in this particular context, by the idea of avoiding what is unclean. In Isaiah 52, this principle ties into the departure of God’s people from exile and their pursuit of a new life. Similarly, in Ezekiel 20, we’re reminded of God’s people’s journey out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.
Today, we may not be physically moving from one location to another, but we are on a spiritual journey. We are fixated on the future when we will leave this world behind in pursuit of a new world and a new life in God’s kingdom. Our actions and mentality in the present day match this idea: we’re less concerned with our current situations and more concerned with what God has in store for us in the future. Living with this hope and expectation empowers us to go against the grain of what’s expected in society and live in a way that matches our faith in God.
What could this mean for you? What does it mean to live a “weird” life for God in 2024? What is it about your thoughts, actions, and decisions that could seem strange or unexpected by worldly standards, but make perfect sense in light of God’s mission and purpose in the world? Lastly, how will this sort of behavior or perspective challenge others’ previously held patterns of thinking and leave them wondering if there’s something more to life than simply what’s here and now?
As always, you can bring this material into your sessions with your mentor whenever it’s helpful. If you’re not currently meeting with a mentor but would like more information, use this link to schedule a free discovery call.