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Living in the Power of God

May 01, 20242 min read

When we say something is cliched, it often comes with a negative connotation. However, if something is repeated so often to the point that it becomes widespread among a large group of people, there’s probably a reason why.

Think about a line such as, “Better safe than sorry.” Perhaps you rolled your eyes as you read that phrase because it brought to mind memories of a time when a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or friend used this idiom over and over again. You know what it means, and you understand why the principle is important, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve heard it said hundreds - if not thousands - of times.

Despite its perceived overuse, I still believe this phrase bears repeating. It’s easy for us to get carried away by momentary excitement or emotion and fail to do the planning and preparation that can help us avoid trouble later on.

Here’s another cliche that I love, even if some people feel like it’s said too often: “Actions speak louder than words.” From my perspective, it’s one thing to say that you believe something or that you know something is true. However, it’s much more demanding to act in a way that reflects this belief. Imagine somebody telling you that it’s important to prioritize your physical health when they never exercise and treat pizza like a suggested serving size is the whole box. Not only would their words carry no weight, but you would also question their character because of the striking disconnect between their words and their behaviors. 

This week, we’re talking about living in the power of God. It’s a popular concept, and likely something you have considered before. As people who live with an awareness of God’s presence and purpose in the world, it’s probably an easy topic for us to consider. In many ways, we know that God is all-powerful and capable of doing incredible things. My question is, do our actions back up this belief? 

In Romans 1:16 (NKJV), Paul writes, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” Think about this verse for a moment. The power of God is living and active in the world, evidenced by God’s ability to save all who believe.

As a follower of Jesus, this is an experience you’ve had (and continue to have). What does this experience change about your everyday life? It’s one thing to say that you believe God is powerful. It’s another thing to live in a way that reflects this belief and is tangible and evident to the people around you. 

As always, you can bring this material into your sessions with your mentor whenever it’s helpful. If you’re not currently meeting with a mentor but would like more information, use this link to schedule a free discovery call

power of Godactions speak louder
Shawn Lyons was called to ministry 48 years ago as a 12-year-old boy. He serves at the Harvest Church in Derry, PA, where his ministry has reached over 90 countries and 48 of the 50 US states. He is passionate about preaching and teaching the word of God and serving in the church alongside Susan. Together, they have three children and two grandson. When he’s not serving in the church or spending time with his family, he enjoys golfing.

Shawn Lyons

Shawn Lyons was called to ministry 48 years ago as a 12-year-old boy. He serves at the Harvest Church in Derry, PA, where his ministry has reached over 90 countries and 48 of the 50 US states. He is passionate about preaching and teaching the word of God and serving in the church alongside Susan. Together, they have three children and two grandson. When he’s not serving in the church or spending time with his family, he enjoys golfing.

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